Saturday, December 17, 2011

The New 2011 Cars Are Available Now

The New 2011 Cars Are Available Now

     I see that the car manufacturers are advertising (and selling) their new 2011 models. Damn! I must have fallen into a coma yesterday. I could have sworn that today is April 2, 2010. But, no, I must be mistaken. I mean, if the car dealers are selling 2011 models, it must be 2011, right? Why would they have reason to lie about something like that?
     But, if it is already 2011, that means I missed out on my last birthday! I wonder what I got for a present? I hope it was that new 2012 car I was hoping for.
     And, if it is already 2011, that’s terrible! It means that I have only a couple of years left before December 12, 2012 arrives and the world comes to an end. Darn! I thought I had three more years to get everything checked off my ‘bucket list’. Guess I’ll never get to snowboard down a lava flow like I had hoped. Or swim with 1,000 piranhas in a pool of bleeding chickens. Or live long enough to hear Jay Leno tell a funny joke.
      Oh, well. At least I’m a year closer to getting Social Security. What? No, I hadn’t heard that they moved the age to start receiving benefits out to 72! Oh, well, that’s all right. In another week, the new 2013 cars will come out, followed by the 2014 models the month after, and the 2015 models by mid-summer. Heck, by the end of the year, I’ll be old enough to say ‘I remember when a new car wasn’t two years old before you drove it off the lot!”

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